Greenprint Process

Process Overview

Long exposure image of windmills rotating atop a ridge in hilly terrain.
Process overview landing page Wind farm turbines situated on a ridge top in the Appalachian mountains of West Virginia. © Kent Mason

Once you have scoped the project and decided that a greenprint can help you achieve your goals, the greenprint development process generally follows a four-step process that can be tailored to reflect your needs and goals:

The greenprint process provides a framework to define the work and resources needed to provide guidance and deliver an action plan based on data, information and feedback
Greenprint Process The greenprint process provides a framework to define the work and resources needed to provide guidance and deliver an action plan based on data, information and feedback

A graphic illustrating a progression of steps with arrows that reads, in order, Project Design and Approach, Engagement and Analysis, Plan and Tool Development, Implementation and Evaluation.

The greenprint process provides a framework to define the work and resources needed to provide guidance and deliver an action plan based on a broad base of data, information and feedback.

First step of the greenprint process
Process Overview - Step 1 First step of the greenprint process

Graphic with a portion highlighted that reads, Project Design and Approach: Establish core team; reach consensus on objective, roles and goals; develop project plan and budget. It also contains a wheel with sections that read: timing and funding, partner ID, evaluate other plans, field staff and partner goals, study area. Lastly, it reads, optional earlier workshop: discuss potential goals and discuss outreach strategy.

Second step of the greenprint process
Process Overview - Step 2 Second step of the greenprint process

Graphic with a portion highlighted that reads, Engagement and Analysis: community engagement, mapping and spatial analysis, monitor resources versus plan. It also lists interviews, focus groups, telephone or mail survey, speak outs, community meetings and workshops, steering committee meetings, additional outreach to underrepresented groups. Lastly, it gives an example of a workshop: introduction, present goals based on community input, map exercise, vision and principles.

Third step of the greenprint process
Process Overview - Step 3 Third step of the greenprint process

Graphic with a portion highlighted that reads, Plan and Tool Development. It lists review data, models and maps; communications planning; recommendations report. It also features a wheel with segments that read, gather GIS data, local technical team input, develop GIS models, goal maps, community input. Lastly, it features an example workshop that lists discussing draft goal maps, constraints and opportunities.

Fourth step of the greenprint process
Process Overview - Step 4 Fourth step of the greenprint process

Graphic with a portion highlighted that reads, Implementation and Evaluation. It lists begin outreach strategy, plan for longer term partner support, evaluation plan. It also lists deliverables of static maps, web tool, report, action plan, story maps, outreach strategy. And it lists tools for core team land acquisition, community-wide protect and connect; evaluate and adapt.